jueves, 22 de septiembre de 2016

Health Haters

Hello everyone :D I hope you are having a wonderful week! So I've noticed a while ago that with all this healthy movement of course there are some health haters. I really don't understand haters if you don't like something why to bother thinking about it? I mean... is your life so boring that you have to think about something that you don't like and make other people happy? Why not spend your time thinking in what makes YOU happy and leaving others alone? Anyway, I don't understand haters but especially those who are health haters, why you may ask? Because healthiness is not about a trend, it surely is a trend right now but it's not about it, if you are healthy you lower the risk of having several diseases and feel better, how can that be something bad? Of course people who push healthiness to the limits are annoying, but aren't we all obnoxious when we are obsessed with something?

I really believe that having a healthy lifestyle doesn't mean that you have to eat fruit and veggies all the time or go to the gym every day. Everything is about a balance, you can't control everything you eat and how much calories do you burn... a healthy lifestyle must consider a healthy mind as well as a healthy body, and most restrictive diets mess up with your mind, our brains love to have everything under control and counting calories is somehow fun for our brains (stupid brains).

Something that people don't realize is that having a decadent meal like pizza or a cheese burger once in a while (let's say twice a month) is also healthy, maybe not for your body, but for your mind! And if you have a healthy lifestyle that food won't have the same impact as if you are a sedentary person and have shitty food all the time.

I really believe that having a healthy lifestyle is about making smart decisions, eating the right foods, I've found that a lot of people eat wrong because they don't know anything about nutrition, not because it is expensive to buy healthy ingredients but because they don't understand how their bodies work, just think about it... we only have one body for the rest of our lives, let's eat smart and take care of our bodies by giving them the right nutrients, this way we will feel better and be more happy :)

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